- /* slfnlmul.cpp by K.Tsuru */
- // function ID = 210 DRADIX, BRADIX
- /**************************************************************
- SLong and SInteger classes
- It provides m*n using a normal method.
- It is fast for small figures.
- To get the remaindar it uses the quotient, namely a replacemant
- rv[i+j] = fType(w - u*rdx); <--- fType(w%rdx);
- The different algorithms are used for different radixes.
- ***************************************************************/
- #ifndef SN_H
- #include "sn.h"
- #endif
- static const char* const func = "NLLMult";
- SLong NLLMult(const SLong& m, const SLong& n){
- //check the signs
- int sgn = m.Sign(210)*n.Sign(210);
- SLong result(m.Type(), 0);
- if(!sgn){ // m = 0 or n = 0
- result.SetZero();
- return result;
- }
- if(m.Type() != n.Type()) m.SetError(m.RADIX_ERR, func, 210);
- uint mh = m.aHead, nh = n.aHead, nt = n.aTail, mt = m.aTail;
- if( (mh+nh+2) >= m.MaxSize() ) m.SetError( m.OVERFLOW_ERR, func, 210);
- result.valloc(mh+nh+2, 0); // maximum index in roop below
- const fType* mv = m.ReadFigures();
- const fType* nv = n.ReadFigures();
- fType* rv = result.figure.Elements();
- //It normalizes simultaneously.
- //Here (m_fig + n_fig +1) <= MaxSize-1.
- ulong u, w, lm, rdx = (ulong)m.Radix();
- register uint i, j;
- if(rdx == DRADIX){
- for(i = mt ; i <= mh ; i++){
- u = 0;
- lm = (ulong)mv[i];
- for(j = nt; j <= nh ; j++){
- w = lm*(ulong)nv[j]+(ulong)rv[i+j] + u;
- u = w/rdx; //carry
- rv[i+j] = fType(w - u*rdx); //faster than fType(w%rdx);
- }
- rv[i+j] = (fType)u;
- }
- } else {
- ulong rdx1 = (ulong)BRADIX1;
- for(i = mt ; i <= mh ; i++){
- u = 0;
- lm = (ulong)mv[i];
- for(j = nt; j <= nh ; j++){
- u += lm*(ulong)nv[j]+(ulong)rv[i+j];
- rv[i+j] = fType(u & rdx1); // = fType(w%rdx);
- u >>= BRADIX_BITS; //carry
- }
- rv[i+j] = (fType)u;
- }
- }
- //It desides the figure positions.
- uint rt = mt + nt, rh = mh + nh+1;
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- result.figure(rh);
- #endif
- while(!rv[rh]) rh--;
- result.aHead = rh;
- while(!rv[rt]) rt++;
- result.aTail = rt;
- result.SetSign( sgn );
- //An extra figure has been taken. It is a rare case.
- if( 2u*(result.aHead+1) <= result.figure.size() ) result.DoCutDown();
- return result;
- }
slfnlmul.cpp : last modifiled at 2017/03/13 14:32:00(2,258 bytes)
created at 2017/10/07 10:26:49
The creation time of this html file is 2017/11/09 14:52:03 (Thu Nov 09 14:52:03 2017).